Maltem Consulting

Business Case: Expansion of an IT Consulting Firm Specialized in Banking and Finance

Company Profile :

  • Industry: Banking and Finance
  • Workforce: 1,000 employees
  • Annual Revenue: €82 million
  • Headquarters: Paris, France

Situation :

Maltem was looking to recruit 4 Business Managers to create Business Units (BUs) from scratch. Their challenge was twofold: difficulty in generating qualified candidates and the lack of training for their recruitment consultants to hire these specific profiles.

Resolution with

Maltem opted for for the recruitment process. Thanks to our expertise and network, we were able to identify and present candidates perfectly suited to their needs. In just 3 months, we successfully filled the 4 Business Manager positions, whereas previously, they struggled to generate qualified candidates.

Before / After :

  • Before Difficulty finding qualified candidates for Business Manager positions, long and inefficient recruitment process.
  • With Recruitment of 4 Business Managers in 3 months, carefully selected candidates perfectly meeting Maltem's criteria.

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